Helo Patches

HMH-464 Squadron Patch (Subdued) HMH-464 Squadron Patch (Subdued)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.00

This is the subdued version of the squadron patch for the HMH-464 'Condors' out of MCAS New River, NC. They operate under the watchful eyes of MAG-29 and fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces.

HMH-464 Squadron Patch (Desert) HMH-464 Squadron Patch (Desert)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.00

This is the desert version of the squadron patch for the HMH-464 'Condors' out of MCAS New River, NC. They operate under the watchful eyes of MAG-29 and fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces.

HMH-464 'SHITTER MAFIA' Bullet (Black) HMH-464 'SHITTER MAFIA' Bullet (Black)
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is one of the detachment patches created for HMH-464/VMM-162 that says CH-53E 'SHITTER MAFIA', and does comes with velcro attached.

HMH-464 'EN' Cloverleaf (SMALL) HMH-464 'EN' Cloverleaf (SMALL)
Size: 1"
In Stock: >5
Price: $6.99

(Another AV8RSTUFF Creation): This is a patch created for the CH-53 crew-members of HMH-464/ VMM-162 to wear underneath their squadron patch, denoting their loyalty to the days of flying as 'EN' in the CH-53E. It is hidden, so only those who have one know of their existence.....it does comes with velcro attached.

HMH-465 Squadron Patch HMH-465 Squadron Patch
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the color version of the squadron patch for the HMH-465 'Warhorses' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces.

HMH-465 Squadron Patch (Subdued) HMH-465 Squadron Patch (Subdued)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the subdued version of the squadron patch for the HMH-465 'Warhorses' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces.

HMH-465 OIF (Desert) HMH-465 OIF (Desert)
Size: 3 3/4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.99

This is the desert version of the OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) deployed patch for the HMH-465 'Warhorses' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces.

HMH-465 'Take The Reins' (Subd) HMH-465 'Take The Reins' (Subd)
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the subdued version of the "Take The Reins" deployment patch for the HMH-465 'Warhorses' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. This patch does not have velcro attached.

HMH-465 2005 OIF Patch (Desert Background) HMH-465 2005 OIF Patch (Desert Background)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.99

This is the 'desert' background version of the 2005 OIF Det patch for the 'Warhorses' that depicts the country of Iraq with the MH-53 helicopter. This patch does not have velcro attached.

HMH-465 2005 OIF Patch (Gray Background) HMH-465 2005 OIF Patch (Gray Background)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.99

This is the 'steel-gray' background version of the 2005 OIF Det patch for the 'Warhorses' that depicts the country of Iraq with the MH-53 helicopter. This patch does not have velcro attached.


HMH-466 '3-Wolves' Squadron Patch (Black) HMH-466 '3-Wolves' Squadron Patch (Black)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.99

This is the black version with green eyes for the '3-Wolves' squadron patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm. This patch does not have velcro already attached.

HMH-466 '3-Wolves' Squadron Patch (Desert) HMH-466 '3-Wolves' Squadron Patch (Desert)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the desert version of the '3-wolves' squadron patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm.

HMH-466 '1-Wolf' Squadron Patch (Blk/Gray) HMH-466 '1-Wolf' Squadron Patch (Blk/Gray)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the black/gray version of the '1-Wolf' squadron patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm.

HMH-466 'Wolfpack' Helo Bullet HMH-466 "Wolfpack" Helo Bullet
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.99

This is the color version of the "Wolfpack" patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm.

HMH-466 'Wolfpack' Bullet (Subdued) HMH-466 "Wolfpack" Bullet (Subdued)
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.00

This is the subdued version of the "Wolfpack" patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm.

HMH-466 'Big Load' Helo Bullet HMH-466 "Big Load" Helo Bullet
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.00

This is the "Big Load" patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm.

HMH-466 'ACES' (Red) HMH-466 'ACES' (Red)
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $7.00

This is the "A.C.E.S." patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm. If anyone has any info on this patch, drop me a line.

HMH-466 'War Hogs' OIF 04-06 (Des) HMH-466 'War Hogs' OIF 04-06 (Des)
Size: 4"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.99

This is desert version of the HMH-466 2004-2006 OIF deployment. It says "War Hogs" and shows the outline of the country of Iraq with a Warthog head on the right.

HMH-466 HMH-466 "Haulin Trash" (Des)
Size: 3"
In Stock: >5
Price: $8.00

This is the desert version of the "OIF IV" patch for the HMH-466 'Wolfpack' out of MCAS Tustin, CA. They fly the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion transport helicopter in support of US Ground Forces. They operated out of Ras Al Gar during Operation Desert Storm. During OIF, this patch was created stating "Haulin Ass & Trash"......

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